Ubuntu 21.10 Running great on M1 Macbook. UTM Virtual Machine.


Look…If you’re looking for the Ubuntu 21.10 Running great on M1 Macbook. UTM Virtual Machine. video, you’ve discovered the right place. In this step by step guide, you’ll learn secrets from the best engineers…

Ubuntu 21.10 Running great on M1 Macbook. UTM Virtual Machine.

Ubuntu 21.10 Running great on M1 Macbook. UTM Virtual Machine.

Ubuntu 21.10 Impish Indri Running great on M1 Macbook. UTM Virtual Machine.

UTM is based on QEMU

UTM Website https://mac.getutm.app

Ubuntu download ARM64 version

Create a new virtual machine
Name of OS
Style: operating system
Pick icon
System pick cpu and ram
New drive pick size, create
New drive removable, usb
CD/DVD browse to iso
Hit play

From terminal Install Linux programs

sudo apt install neofetch

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M1 MacBook Air https://amzn.to/3kpChKC

US links
M1 MacBook Air https://amzn.to/3eq4kpj

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