DevOps | real-time | Nginx Load Balancer | Docker | aws ubuntu instances

Hey…If you’re searching for the DevOps | real-time | Nginx Load Balancer | Docker | aws ubuntu instances video, you’ve discovered it. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn secret tips from the top engineers…

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DevOps | real-time | Nginx Load Balancer | Docker | aws ubuntu instances

DevOps | real-time | Nginx Load Balancer | Docker | aws ubuntu instances

In this video we will learn how the real time application serve the request without down time.How we will maintain our application is high availability?
1. what is load-balancer?
2. when we need load-balancer?
3. architecture of load-balancer?
4. how to use nginx as a load balancer ?
5. real-time scenario for ansible case study ?
5. install nginx in ubuntu machine?
6. install docker in ubuntu machines ?
7. create 3 ubuntu ami instances?
8. how to use docker volumes ?
9. create a static webpage?
10. deploy static web page into nginx web server?
11. in this video i will take 3 ubuntu machines one is load-balancer and another two is application deployed in distributed mode.

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