What is Azure? | Azure tutorial for beginners | OnlineITGuru

If you’re looking for the What is Azure? | Azure tutorial for beginners | OnlineITGuru video, you’ve found the right place. In this step by step video, you’ll learn tips from the Best Pros…

What is Azure? | Azure tutorial for beginners | OnlineITGuru

Watch this awesome video about the best What is Azure? | Azure tutorial for beginners | OnlineITGuru

What is Azure? | Azure tutorial for beginners | OnlineITGuru
What is Azure?

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing technology and design to build and manage the several applications and services. The name Windows Azure was changed to Microsoft Azure in the year 2014.

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Why should we learn Azure?

Microsoft Azure increases the productivity and it has an option Pay for what you use. With Microsoft Azure, there is no need to use any hardware devices. It supports Open Source. These things are enough to say why Azure is best.

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