is your one stop dedicated resource for helping you on your journey to the cloud. Providing current news, interesting articles, and answers about what is going on with “Cloud Computing”. We know “Cloud” is no longer just a buzz-word that gets thrown around by sales people or IT managers anymore. It’s a real and growing technology that is evolving day by day. But that OK, because we’re keeping up with it for you…

We know thousands of companies are on the boardwalk investigating how they can leverage “Cloud” instead of building costly data centers. Even small businesses and individuals are learning they can use “Cloud” services.

So, if you’re someone, or a business, doing research and want to get connected with other people with the same interests. is definitely a place to check out.

We cover cloud computing for beginners with topics such as:

  • Advantages of Cloud Computing?
  • What is Private Cloud?
  • What is Public Cloud?
  • What is Hybrid Cloud?
  • And what’s the difference?

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It’s an understatement to say cloud computing is going to continue changing. That’s why we want your feedback and thoughts. Become a regular part of our Cloud Help community and help us help others on their journey to the cloud!