Introduction to Google Cloud Platform(GCP) In Tamil | Easy to Understand | Tamil Tech Vlog


Now…If you’re looking for the Introduction to Google Cloud Platform(GCP) In Tamil | Easy to Understand | Tamil Tech Vlog video, you’ve found the right place. In this DIY video guide, you’ll learn secret tips from the best engineers…

Introduction to Google Cloud Platform(GCP)   In Tamil  |  Easy to Understand | Tamil Tech Vlog

Introduction to Google Cloud Platform(GCP) In Tamil | Easy to Understand | Tamil Tech Vlog

Language : Tamil (தமிழ்)
Topic: Cloud Computing and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Cloud Computing is one of the essential skills in the IT industry currently. If you want to be an entrepreneur, chances are you will be using either AWS, Azure Or Google Cloud. There are multiple videos about AWS on the internet but Google Cloud is also catching up fast and usually our business case solutions will be spread across multiple cloud solutions. In this video, I have made introduction to Google Cloud simple and understandable even to someone with minimal technical background. If you are looking to start. a career in IT (OR) learn about Cloud to improve your career, you are in the right spot. Please make use of the content and let me know your feedback.

This is just the Episode 1 where we cover all the introduction and basic concepts. Advanced concepts and more interesting concepts will be covered in future videos(episodes)

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