Automate setting up new machines with Ansible | Copying Aliases to new machine example


Hey…If you’re looking for the Automate setting up new machines with Ansible | Copying Aliases to new machine example video, then you’ve stumbled into the right place. In this DIY video guide, you’ll learn exclusive tips from the best engineers…

Automate setting up new machines with Ansible | Copying Aliases to new machine example

Automate setting up new machines with Ansible | Copying Aliases to new machine example

How often do you set up new machines in your home lab or even at work? Do you ever find yourself trying to use an alias that you have on your main machine but you can’t?

In this video we will cover how you can copy an alias file and source it on any machine. Allowing you to spin up new machines with the same alias file, giving you access to the same shortcuts and tools you are used to elsewhere. Although not covered in this video, I also suggest uploading the alias file to a GitHub repository allowing you to update this overtime. Also giving you an easy way to pull it to any machine.

I hope you are able to take something away from this video. I do plan to cover ansible more, especially as I continue to implement this toolset in my lab. As always, never stop learning!


– Artist(s) name – Kaspa., softy
– Song – My Side
– Provided by Lofi Girl
– Listen:

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